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Frequently Asked Questions of the Licensing Department
I do not have any projects to do right now. Can I put my license on hold without having to retest and pay my license fee?
If you are not performing any construction consulting or construction work that requires a permit and you wish to put your license or registration on hold, then you may request a "voluntary suspension" of license(s) or registration(s) with the Licensing Department. The suspension shall not exceed a period of twelve (12) months unless a notarized annual certification is furnished to the Department indicating that the contractor is engaged in an active capacity in the field of building construction. While under voluntary suspension, the contractor need not carry insurance, but the contractor must continue to pay all license or registration fees normally due. See Section RBC201.11.5 of the Code. To reinstate your license, you must apply to the Licensing Department in compliance with the requirements of Section RBC201.1.5.3 of the Code.
If you do not obtain a "voluntary suspension" and your license or registration expires for longer than six (6) months or if your insurance has lapsed, been cancelled, or reduced for longer than twelve (12) months, then your license or registration will be administratively revoked.
Who can renew the contractor's license/registration?
Only the examinee is able to renew the contractor's license/registration. Renewals may be done online using the contractor web account or using the paper/electronic renewal form. If using the paper renewal form, the form MUST be notarized if the examinee is not signing the form in front of Department staff. Once notarized, forms may be e-mailed, faxed, mailed, or delivered to our office.
If there are outstanding "administratively closed" permits or administrative fine(s), the examinee will not be able to renew the contractor's license/registration until the outstanding matters are resolved.
Do I need a license to be a handyman?
It depends on the type of work you do. Please call the permit counter at 719-327-2883 to verify if a permit is required. Notwithstanding, see Section RBC105.2 Work Exempt from Permits of the Code.
A handyman who wishes to perform work beyond the allowances in Section RBC105.2 of the Code may request a Contractor E (Maintenance and Remodeling) license. This license allows the contractor to construct, alter, and repair structures accessory to one- and two-family dwellings not intended as enclosed habitable space such as decks, fences, sheds, patio covers, detached garages and workshops, and engage in interior nonstructural repair or remodeling of one- or two-family dwellings.
How long does it take to get a license/registration issued?
The entire licensing/registration process takes approximately 6-8 weeks, depending on the date of submittal. Completion of required background name-based judicial records check may take longer. You must have all the requirements met three (3) weeks prior to the Licensing Committee date. The Licensing Committee meets every 2nd Thursday of the month.
State of Colorado licensees must register with the Department immediately (Electrical, Plumbing, Elevators / Escalators, and Manufactured Building Installers).
You can find all applications on the Department's website at pprbd.org, under Downloads, Forms & Handouts. Go to, "License Applications".
Is there a way to speed up the licensing process?
No. The Code requires license requests to be published in a legal publications paper at least two (2) weeks prior to consideration by the Board of Review, and the Department has a number of administrative steps to take prior to issuing a license.
I have a license in another jurisdiction, do you reciprocate that license?
No. The Department does not reciprocate any licenses from other building departments. Each outside jurisdiction has its own licensing requirements and may not be comparable to ours.
I have already taken a building department test for another jurisdiction. Do I still have to test again?
The Department accepts ICC National Standardized or ICC Colorado Standard (where applicable) exams taken and passed on or after January 1, 2016. No out-of-state exams will be accepted. See ICC Testing for more information.
What does the application fee cover?
The application fee is nonrefundable. It covers the actual costs associated with application processing and name-based judicial records check.
The application fee is separate from license fees, which must be paid before license issuance.
Fees are not prorated for a portion of the year.
Do I need to turn in original documents?
No. Submittals may be done in person; electronically via fax: 719-327-2951 or e-mail: Licensing@pprbd.org; or mailed to Pikes Peak Regional Building Department, Attn: Licensing Department, 2880 International Circle, Colorado Springs CO 80910. If notarization is required, be sure that the notary information and seal are legible.
Do I have to come into the Licensing Committee meeting to request my license?
Once your application is complete, staff will review the contents to determine if further information is needed to evaluate your qualifications, knowledge, and experience. Some license requests are placed on the consent calendar and an appearance at the Licensing Committee is not required. Other license requests will require an appearance before the Licensing Committee. If your appearance is required, staff will notify you. Notwithstanding, please understand that during the committee meeting, a consent item may be removed from the consent agenda, therefore requiring an appearance.
What are the requirements for insurance?
See Licensing Insurance Requirements.
Required minimum insurance levels are listed in Section RBC201.7 of the Code, as follows:
RBC201.7 INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS. RBC201.7.1 Insurance Certificate. Before a license or registration can be issued, the contractor shall file with the Building Official a certificate signed by a licensed agent of an insurance company stating that the worker's compensation and general liability (including premises/operations and products/completed operations) policies required by this Code have been issued to the contractor. This certification shall include the policy number or numbers, the name of the insured, the effective and expiration dates, the limits of the policies, and the Building Department as a "Certificate Holder". The name of the insured must match verbatim the name of the contractor on the application for licensing or registration, and the resulting license or registration. The minimum required insurance coverage shall be in accordance with Table RBC201.7 of this Code. The contractor must maintain coverage(s) for all work that is possible under the contractor license category. Workers compensation coverage is required in accordance with State statutes.
A certificate of workers compensation coverage is required if the contractor has any employees. If the contractor has no employees, a rejection of coverage in accordance with the regulations and requirements of the Colorado Department of Labor and Employment Division of Workers Compensation is required.
To obtain re-roofing permits, the certificate must be specific in the description of operations that re-roofing is either included in or not excluded from the coverage.
To obtain wrecking permits, the certificate must be specific in the description of operations that explosion, collapse, demolition, and underground coverage is either included in or not excluded from the coverage.
Exception: If a wrecking contractor, or a building contractor acting as a wrecking contractor, proposes to demolish a building or structure that is, in the opinion of the Building Official, sufficiently removed from other buildings or structures so as not to become a hazard or cause damage to other buildings or structures during the course of demolition, the Building Official, using discretion, may waive the explosion, collapse, demolition, and underground coverage provisions of this Code.
Table RBC201.7 Insurance Requirements GENERAL LIABILITY POLICY LIMITS License Category Each Occurrence/General Aggregate Building Contractor A 1,000,000/2,000,000 Building Contractor B or C 1,000,000/2,000,000 Building Contractor D - Single Trade
1,000,000/2,000,000 - Wrecking Contractor A
1,000,000/2,000,000 - Wrecking Contractor B
1,000,000/2,000,000 - Moving Contractor
1,000,000/2,000,000 - Sign Contractor A
1,000,000/2,000,000 - Sign Contractor B
1,000,000/2,000,000 - - 11. Fire-suppression Contractor
1,000,000/2,000,000 Building Contractor E or F 1,000,000/2,000,000 Electrical, Fire Alarm, Mechanical, Plumbing & Water Conditioning Contractors 1,000,000/2,000,000 RBC201.7.2 Cancellation; Reduction of Insurance. Each policy of insurance shall contain an endorsement to the effect that the insurance carrier shall notify the Building Department at least ten (10) calendar days in advance of the effective date of any reduction or cancellation of the policy. The lapse, cancellation, or reduction of insurance shall be cause for automatic suspension of the license or registration until the required coverage is timely reinstated.
A certificate of insurance for liability is required for all contractors performing construction consulting or construction work covered by the Pikes Peak Regional Building Code within the jurisdiction of the Department. A certificate of insurance for worker's compensation is also required if the contractor has any employees and is not exempt from the Colorado State Statute requirements. If the contractor is exempt, the contractor must provide documentation from the State of Colorado. When providing certificates of insurance, "Pikes Peak Regional Building Department" is required to be listed as the certificate holder. The Department does not need to be listed as an additional insured. Certificates of insurance may be e-mailed, faxed, mailed, or hand delivered by either the insurance agency or the contractor.
Your contractor business name designated on your insurance certificate and in your license application must match the Colorado Secretary of State records EXACTLY. If you are contracting for work under tradename(s), the tradename(s) must also be included on your insurance certificate and in your contractor license (or registration) application